It is a photo of me, Pedro!

About me

Hi, my Name is Pedro Costa Klein!.

I am a Research Assistant at the University of Göttingen and a PhD student at the University of Köln. I have a background in Computer Science and I am now finishing my studies in the health sciences field. My PhD research is about Computational Neuroscience and Brain Simulation, and how to use both to understand the brain mechanisms that underly brain disorders. For my research project in Göttingen, I am working at the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 1456, on the infrastructural project. Our goal is to enforce the open research among the working groups of the CRC, providing the infrastructure needed and proposing solutions to ease the access and reproducibility on research data.

I am also interested in Computer Vision and Machine Learning. My main programing language interests are Python, C++, JavaScript and Java, but I am very curious and always open to learning new languages and paradigms. Aside from academia, I worked for 3 years as a developer and 3 years as technical support (computer maintenance and user support) at the University of Santa Cruz do Sul.

Besides that, I am a Dungeons and Dragons enthusiast and my role in that is most often being the Dungeon Master, (i.e. the storyteller). What I enjoy the most in this is that it allows me to exercise my "creativity muscles" story after story. .